Understanding the Differences between Hand Stretch Film and Machine Stretch Film

Whether you’re using hand stretch film or machine stretch film, it’s important to use a high-quality product to ensure the safety and security of your goods during shipping or storage.
Do you know the stretch film thickness?

China uses millimeters (mm) as the standard thickness unit for plastic films, but silk (S) is used in actual use. For example, 1 silk = 100mm, and microns can also be used as the thickness unit, 10 microns = 1 silk = 0.01 mm.
What is the difference between stretch film & cling film?

Although stretch film and cling film material are almost the same, the use, specifications, production process, and so on have apparent differences. Today I will tell you the difference between the two.
What is the difference between hand stretch film and machine stretch film?

he essential difference between machine-used stretch film and hand-used stretch film is the use of different properties.